23rd of October, 2024

Portada » WhatsApp dominates the Brazilian market

WhatsApp dominates the Brazilian market

10 enero, 2024
WhatsApp domina o mercado brasileiro

Zenvia Inc, a company specialized in messaging and business communication solutions, highlighted that WhatsApp dominates the Brazilian market. 

WhatsApp is an instant messaging application owned by Meta Platforms (formerly known as Facebook).

According to a survey conducted by Mobile Time in February 2023 called «Mensageria no Brasil» with 2,086 respondents, 99% of smartphones in the country have the app installed. 

Also according to the same survey, the app is the most popular on the home screen of Brazilian smartphones, demonstrating its widespread use among the population.

Based in Brazil, Zenvia offers a comprehensive platform that helps its clients in multiple use cases, including marketing campaigns, customer acquisition and customer service.

In addition, the survey revealed that 93% of respondents open the app every day or almost every day. 

In fact, nearly half (48%) of respondents said they would only download WhatsApp if they had to choose just one app to install on their smartphones.


Interestingly, the app is also preferred by Brazilian smartphone users for voice calls, with half of them using it more than their mobile operators’ voice network. 

WhatsApp is the app that Brazilians open most times a day, although it has lost its position as the app they spend the most time on to Instagram.

As WhatsApp becomes increasingly popular among consumers, it has established itself as a communication channel for companies. 

The app is the most used to communicate with brands in Brazil.


When asked about the purpose of this communication, asking questions is the main reason for communication between consumers and companies, followed by technical support, purchases, promotions and cancellations.

Chatbot is one of the ways to enable scale gains in communication through these channels. According to Mobile Time, WhatsApp is the only leader in this regard: 88% of its users understand that they have already been served by bots when talking to brands on the app. 

However, the average satisfaction score with the experience is 3.2 on a scale of 1 to 5.

Despite its popularity, Brazilian WhatsApp users have experienced problems with unsolicited marketing messages. 

In fact, 82% of users have received messages from people trying to sell products or services from companies with whom they did not share their phone numbers.



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