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GMXT: investments for 2023 and productivity

25 octubre, 2022
GMXT destacó sus planes de inversión para 2023  sus avances en productividad como parte de su tercer informe trimestral de 2022. GMXT highlighted its investment plans for 2023 and its progress in productivity as part of its third quarterly report for 2022.

GMéxico Transportes (GMXT) highlighted its investment plans for 2023 and its progress in productivity as part of its third quarterly report for 2022.

Regarding the former, GMXT’s Board of Directors approved an investment plan of 9,403.8 million pesos for 2023.

Of this amount, 2.1 billion pesos will be allocated to the purchase of railway equipment, for the execution of various expansion and efficiency projects that will allow the company to continue growing and improving its service, as well as optimizing the performance of its productivity indicators.

Nota: Ingresos y toneladas. Km: cifras expresadas en millones.

Resultados por Segmento. Contribución por segmento en ingresos, toneladas-km netas y carros al 30 de septiembre del 2022.

GMXT is also focusing its efforts on maintaining the efficiencies obtained and effective cost control by the end of 2022.

GMXT’s priority is to retain its existing customer base. To this end, the company continues to invest resources in motive power, traction equipment, and modern infrastructure projects designed to increase system efficiency and reliability.

Leasing contracts have also been entered into to obtain additional equipment to provide the specialized equipment increasingly required by clients such as Cemex, Pemex Logística, Ternium, De Acero and Crown Imports, among others.


With respect to the volume transported, the decrease in U.S. railroad capacity due to the lack of crews affected some segments: Agricultural, due to an over-demand of the fleet in U.S. grain export routes; Automotive, with backlogs generated by the shortage of microchips and congestion of U.S. railroads since the times of the pandemic; and Intermodal, due to the lack of container availability in cross-border traffics.

This decrease was partially offset by growth in Industrial and Energy carloads, the first segment being one of the lowest in average tons loaded.

The rest of the segments compensated the decrease with the growth described below.

Regarding productivity improvements, as of the third quarter of 2022, the main efficiency indicators recorded progress, with which asset utilization and service consistency have remained uniform.

Train speed improved 2.4%, from 36.4 km/h to 37.3 km/h, enabling the company to provide efficient and timely service to its customers.

Likewise, the permanence of cars in yards showed an improvement of 1.1%, registering 25.6 hours.

These indicators allowed the car speed to remain at similar levels compared to the same period in 2021.

In addition, the efficiency of its train operation allowed the number of crews to decrease by 2.7% and the use of horsepower per ton remained similar compared to the previous year.


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