13th of February, 2025

Portada » World’s Leading Pulp Producer: Suzano 

World’s Leading Pulp Producer: Suzano 

23 enero, 2025
Líder mundial na produção de celulose: Suzano 

Suzano is the world’s leading pulp producer and one of the largest paper producers in Latin America.

What is pulp used for? In the manufacture of paper, cardboard, tissue and paper-related products. Also in the manufacture of textiles, such as rayon. Or as a thickener, stabilizer or texturizing agent in various food products.

World’s leading pulp producer

Suzano exports essential products for hygiene, education and the well-being of society to more than 100 countries. It also has 13 mills, including the Veracel joint venture. In total, the installed capacity of these mills produces 10.9 million tons of pulp, 1.3 million tons of paper and 280,000 tons of consumer goods per year.

In 2023, the company announced the planned start-up of the Cerrado Project in June 2024. This new pulp mill will have an annual production capacity of 2.55 million tons. Of that amount, about 0.7 million tons will be available for sale in 2024.


The pulp industry is highly competitive. According to Hawkins Wright, the 20 largest producers cover approximately 76 % of the world’s virgin pulp capacity. 

Suzano competes directly with numerous pulp producers for the paper and hardwood market. Among them are Brazilian companies such as Bracell, Eldorado, CMPC and Celulose Nipo Brasileira S.A. (Cenibra).

Suzano operates mainly in the pulp segment, which includes paper and fluff, and in paper, such as paperboard, printing, writing and tissue. The company is positioned as one of the largest integrated pulp and paper producers in Latin America. In addition, according to Hawkins Wright, in 2022 it was the world’s largest producer of eucalyptus pulp and virgin market pulp.

Like other Brazilian eucalyptus pulp producers, Suzano stands out for having one of the lowest pulp production costs globally.