25th of October, 2024

Portada » Walmart de M?xico grows for the 6th year in a row more than ANTAD

Walmart de México grows for the 6th year in a row more than ANTAD

3 mayo, 2021
Las ventas netas de comercio electrónico (eCommerce) de Wal-Mart de México y Centroamérica (Walmex) crecieron 36% en 2021. The net sales of electronic commerce (eCommerce) of Wal-Mart de México y Centroamérica (Walmex) grew 36% in 2021.

Walmart de México y Centroamérica (Walmex) grew its sales in 2020 more than the rest of the members of the National Association of Self-service and Department Stores (ANTAD).

During 2020, Walmart de México grew consistently in all its formats and its total revenues were 574,953 million pesos, which represented an increase of 8.0% compared to 2019.

Thus, in 2020, the company increased the growth differential against ANTAD self-services and clubs to equal units by 130 basis points.

From the point of view of Walmart de México, it was able to do this thanks to its «low price proposal and the loyalty» of its customers.

During the year, the company grew in equal unit sales in all regions in Mexico.

The North and Metropolitan regions had the best performance, followed by the South and Center regions, impacted by the restrictions implemented by local authorities through the epidemic risk traffic light, which remained at the highest risk levels (orange / red) from April to December.

Walmart de México

By its own account, the company continues to grow in sales and continues to operate with financial discipline despite experiencing a high spending environment.

With no non-recurring effects, Walmart de México grew operating income and maintained the EBITDA operating flow margin at double digits.

Today, the self-service store sector in Mexico has become very competitive in recent years, which has forced all participants to constantly search for differentiation factors.

The parent company

Walmart Inc., a North American company, through Intersalt, S. de R.L. de C.V., a Mexican company, is the majority shareholder of Wal-Mart de México, S.A.B. by C.V

At the close of its annual fiscal year on January 31, 2021, Walmart Inc. reports 11,500 business units in operation in 27 countries, which are located in the United States of America, Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Africa, Argentina, Canada, Chile, China, India, Japan and the United Kingdom.

Walmart Inc.’s total revenue during its last fiscal year was $ 559.151 million, representing an increase of 6.7% over the level obtained in the previous fiscal year.


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