
Top 5 oil importers in the world

The world’s largest oil importers in 2022 were China, United States, India, South Korea and Japan.

While Chinese oil imports grew at a year-on-year rate of 42%, to $365,512 million, the corresponding imports from the United States rose 48%, to $204,716 million.

According to the World Trade Organization (WTO), fuels are the group that initially showed the steepest drop after mid-2022, with crude oil and natural gas prices declining 33% and 67%, respectively, during the 12 months through May 2023.

Although the price of oil has since rebounded somewhat to above $90 per barrel, the initial drastic drop corresponded to the enormous impact of various global factors on the energy sector, along with a number of energy industry-specific factors.

In addition, according to the WTO, despite the rounds of production cuts announced by OPEC+ countries in April 2023, representing a reduction of more than 1 million barrels per day, there has been a significant increase in oil production by non-OPEC+ countries, as well as a substantial release of strategic oil reserves by the OECD.

Importateurs de pétrole

Les pays membres ont plus que compensé les réductions décidées par l’OPEP+.

Pour leur part, les sanctions économiques occidentales sur les exportations de pétrole brut russe ont principalement entraîné la réorientation de ces flux vers des pays tels que la Chine et l’Inde à un prix réduit, ce qui signifie que leur impact sur l’offre mondiale de pétrole a été minime tout en exerçant une influence à la baisse sur les prix mondiaux du pétrole brut.

Quels sont les autres grands importateurs de pétrole? L’Inde, avec 173,516 milliards de dollars et une augmentation annuelle de 63%, suivie de la Corée du Sud (105,964 milliards de dollars, +58%) et du Japon (101,652 milliards de dollars, +61%).


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