23rd of October, 2024

Portada » The US increases its imports of fruits and vegetables from Mexico in 2020

The US increases its imports of fruits and vegetables from Mexico in 2020

18 diciembre, 2020
The United States increased its imports of fruits and vegetables from Mexico in the most recent fiscal year (October 2019-September 2020), according to data from the Department of Agriculture.

The United States increased its imports of fruits and vegetables from Mexico in the most recent fiscal year (October 2019-September 2020), according to data from the Department of Agriculture.

These imports of fruits and vegetables originating in Mexico remain strong, while other bilateral trade flows have diminished affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The imports of fruits and vegetables from Mexico showed resistance during fiscal year 2020, with an increase in both the value (1% for fruits and 11% for vegetables), and in the quantity (1% for fruits and vegetables) compared to fiscal 2019 levels.

On the one hand, imports of fruits from Mexico reached approximately 7.2 billion dollars and those of vegetables, 6.9 billion dollars.

Interest in improving diets during the pandemic also fueled some of the US demand for foods such as avocados, berries and Mexican citrus.

Imports of fruits and vegetables 

In fact, fiscal year 2020 saw a record amount of avocado imports from Mexico, worth US $ 2.3 billion.

Citrus exports also saw strong growth of 9%, and US consumers bought more fruits that contain vitamin D, such as oranges.


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