
The achievements of the Pacific Alliance in promotion and SMEs

The Ministry of Economy highlighted achievements of the Pacific Alliance in terms of facilitation, promotion and SMEs, along with how today marks 10 years since the entry into force of that bloc.

First of all, the Pacific Alliance, made up of Mexico, Colombia, Chile and Peru, has carried out more than 180 activities to promote exports, investment and tourism.

As part of these activities, with more than 3,500 participations from companies in the block, macro-rounds of tourism and business and forums of leading businesswomen and entrepreneurship and innovation have been held.

Through these events, nearly $ 1 billion in business opportunities have been generated.

Pacific alliance

The interoperability of the Foreign Trade Single Windows has made it possible to exchange, in real time, 91,267 certificates of origin and phytosanitary ware. Benefiting exporters and importers costs and time.

The Pacific Alliance has also developed actions for SMEs and entrepreneurs.

For example, the Entrepreneur Capital Fund has benefited startups with financial support for their growth and internationalization.

In addition, the Pacific Alliance has an ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation with networks of accelerator, investor, innovation and technology transfer agencies.

One case of the above is the launch of the “COVID Challenge” call (with support from the IDB).

There, 396 technological proposals were received aimed at alleviating the impacts of Covid-19 in the areas of health, community and education, of which eight projects were chosen, two of them Mexican, which won seed capital for mentoring and technical support.

Finally, in the eighth edition of the LAB4 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Forum, held 100% digitally, businesses for $ 22 million were projected and 37 service exporting companies and 42 startups from the four countries participated.