
Textile import quotas of the USMCA published

The Ministry of the Economy published an agreement by which it discloses eight import quotas for non-originating textile merchandise and clothing, subject to preferential tariff treatment, pursuant to the Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (USMCA).

In this agreement, the Ministry of the Economy reported that the allocation procedures must seek the optimal use of the quotas as a public good, in which participation and healthy competition among all stakeholders are promoted, seeking to privilege the revealed preferences.

He added that the Federal Republican Austerity Law establishes that public entities will adjust their organic and occupational structures in accordance with the principles of republican rationality and austerity; likewise, austerity must be developed in accordance with the legal order, managing resources with efficiency, effectiveness, economy, transparency and honesty.

He argued that previously the Ministry of Economy published various instruments, in order to publicize the regulations necessary to invite to participate in the public tender of those goods with the highest demand, such as calls and bases for tenders, in addition to the corresponding Agreement.

«The foregoing generates a regulatory dispersion for users, since they must consult three different instruments to fully understand the rules of the tender, so it is necessary to adapt, integrate and harmonize the procedures for the allocation of quotas, favoring republican austerity and the constitutional principles of competitiveness, economic growth, transparency and procedural economy,» he said.

Most of the quotas are under the procedure of first in time, first in law.

Import quotas

Quotas to import from the United States include: cotton / artificial or synthetic fiber clothing (12 million square meters equivalent –MCE-), wool clothing (1 million MCE), fabrics and made-up textile goods (1.4 million MCE) and cotton threads or artificial fibers (950,000 kilos).

Import quotas from Canada consist of cotton / artificial or synthetic fiber garments (6 MCE MCE), wool clothing (250 MCE MCE), fabrics and made-up textile goods (7 MCE MCE) cotton yarns or of artificial or synthetic fibers (1 million MCE).



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