23rd of October, 2024

Portada » Technical regulations and standards in Mexico

Technical regulations and standards in Mexico

9 noviembre, 2022
México tramita 5.5 millones de pedimentos de importación. Mexico processes 5.5 million import declarations. Le Mexique traite 5,5 millions de déclarations d'importation.

What are the main technical regulations and standards related to Mexico‘s international trade? The WTO ranks the answer below.

To begin with, the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization (LFMN) regulated the national quality system until mid-2020, when it was abrogated and replaced by the Quality Infrastructure Law (LIC).

The drafting of the LIC regulations has not yet been completed; therefore, the LFMN regulations continue to be used, insofar as they do not conflict with the LIC.

The purpose of this Law is to establish and develop the bases of industrial policy within the scope of the National Quality Infrastructure System, through the activities of normalization, standardization, accreditation, conformity assessment and metrology, to promote quality in the production of goods and services, in order to expand productive capacity and achieve continuous improvement in value chains, promote international trade and protect legitimate public interest objectives.

In addition to the LIC and the Guide for the Structuring and Drafting of Standards, there are other laws that also influence standardization procedures.

The National Commission for Quality Infrastructure (CNIC) (formerly the National Standards Commission) and the General Directorate of Standards (DGN) of the Ministry of Economy (SE) are the entities in charge of implementing the LIC.

Likewise, the SE continues to be the point of contact within the framework of the TBT Agreement.

Technical Regulations

The CNIC directs and coordinates activities in standardization, standardization, conformity assessment and metrology; evaluates requests for the creation of national standardization advisory committees (responsible for the development of Mexican Official Standards (NOMs)) proposed by the Secretaries of State (the standardizing authorities); and annually reviews, analyzes and approves the National Quality Infrastructure Program (formerly the National Standardization Program) and its Supplement.

In 2021, the SE assumed the permanent presidency of the CNIC. Mexico issues NOMs (technical regulations) and Mexican Standards (NMX) (norms or standards). Regarding technical regulations in telecommunications and broadcasting, the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) issues «Technical Provisions», which, like NOMs, are published in the DOF to make them mandatory.

The process of elaboration, issuance and revision of NOMs has not changed since the last review. According to the LIC, NOMs must be based, in whole or in part, on international standards, except when these are not appropriate or effective to achieve the public interest objectives pursued.

In cases of emergency affecting the public interest, the competent Standards Authority may directly prepare the NOM and inform the IASC. Emergency NOMs are valid for a maximum of six months and may be extended once for another six months.


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