
Tax collection in Mexico: 15.4% was due to the intervention of the authority

Of the total tax collection in the first semester of the current year, 84.6% was the result of the voluntary compliance of taxpayers’ tax obligations, which is known as primary collection.

Meanwhile, the remaining 15.4%, which will be called secondary tax collection, was the result of the intervention of the authority, through promoting the regularization of taxpayers who did not comply with their declarations and payments in a timely manner, as well as acts of inspection and compulsory collection.

Tax collection is a primary source in financing a government. An efficient and progressive tax system allows the State to provide public services and infrastructure that allow raising the level of well-being of the population.

To do this, according to the Tax Administration Service (SAT), the practices in tax collection through which some taxpayers avoid or reduce their payment of taxes must be eradicated, so that each taxpayer pays the taxes that they receive. correspond.

Tax collection

According to the SAT, it will focus its efforts mainly on three lines of action to achieve its objectives, the «ABC» of the SAT:

Increase collection efficiency

– Carry out tax collection more efficiently within the framework of current legislation.

– Facilitate the relationship of taxpayers with the tax administration.

– Encourage voluntary compliance with tax and customs obligations of taxpayers, through digital tools and the facilitation of procedures.

– Improve communication remotely with the taxpayer so that it is clear, timely and close.

Primary and secondary collection, January – June 2020

Lower tax evasion and avoidance

– Combat tax avoidance and evasion through comprehensive strategies throughout the tax cycle that allow the timely detection and combat of these improper practices.

– Implement the use of technological tools that allow better control in sectors susceptible to illegal practices.

– Strengthen customs inspection and control through more assertive risk models and analytical intelligence based on data science.

Fight corruption

– Integrate the fight against corruption with the objective of zero impunity.

– Coordinate efforts with other National Security agencies in order to implement intelligence and operational actions aimed at improving processes and generating anti-corruption tactics.

– Strengthen the mechanisms of transparency and citizen participation so that taxpayers have the certainty that their contributions are being used for the purposes established by law.