Active global fleet recovers from Covid-19
The inactive world fleet at the end of December 2020 was about 1.3% of the world fleet, measured by TEU, reported the company Atlas Corp.
The inactive world fleet at the end of December 2020 was about 1.3% of the world fleet, measured by TEU, reported the company Atlas Corp.
La flota mundial inactiva a fines de diciembre de 2020 era aproximadamente 1.3% de la flota mundial, medida por TEU, informó la empresa Atlas Corp.
As of March 1, 2021, Atlas Corp operated a fleet of 127 vessels that have an average age of approximately eight years, weighted by TEU.
Al 1 de marzo de 2021, Atlas Corp operaba una flota de 127 embarcaciones que tienen una edad promedio de aproximadamente ocho años, ponderada por
La pandemia del COVID-19 podría presionar los precios del transporte marítimo a la baja, específicamente de los servicios de portacontenedores, anticipó la empresa Atlas Corp.