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How will you create the New Business Identification Numbers (NICOs)?

10 agosto, 2020
The Ministry of Economy presented a methodology for the Creation of New Commercial Identification Numbers (NICOs).

The Ministry of Economy presented a methodology for the Creation of New Commercial Identification Numbers (NICOs).

This methodology is in the approval process in the National Commission for Regulatory Improvement (Conamer).

Business Identification Numbers

If a substantive change to the methodology is subsequently required, it will be submitted to the opinion of the Foreign Trade Commission (Cocex), and the Ministry of Economy would advise what points are modified and continue with due process (legal, Conamer, etc.).

According to the proposed Agreement establishing the methodology for the creation and modification of commercial identification numbers, the interested parties, individuals or legal entities, in the creation or modification of a NICO must submit to the Ministry of Economy a request that contains a qualitative and / or quantitative estimate of at least the following:

  1. Exposure of the problem due to the lack of the information that it is proposed to generate;
  2. Proposed description including additional technical specifications or annotations;
  3. Tariff section and, where applicable, the NICO from which the new NICO will be created.
  4. Present and analyze statistical information, which contains:
    • Statistical data of the foreign trade of Mexico, that is, the evolution of imports and exports in value and volume of the last three years of the goods whose creation or modification of NICO is proposed.
    • Complement with the information that is necessary for the identification of the merchandise in the foreign trade flows; trade name, specifications that differentiate it from similar merchandise, and others.
    • Details of the public sources of the information provided.
    • Other indicators and / or studies that are considered necessary.
    • Detailed characteristics of the product for which the NICO is requested, noting the differences with other goods that are identified in the same tariff section.


Applications will be submitted through the email nueva.ligie@economia.gob.mx attaching the information referred to in the previous paragraph and will be evaluated in two annual periods:

  1. March, in which those presented in the July-December period of the immediately preceding year will be considered.
  2. September, in which those presented in the January-June period in which it is running will be considered.


The Ministry of Economy during the months of January and July of each year will publish the requests received indicated in article 6 on the website of the National Foreign Trade Information Service www.SNICE.gob.mx, so that they are known by the users and can express their opinion until the second Thursday of the month of February and August, respectively.

The procedure to be followed to send opinions will be published by the Ministry of Economy on the same portal.

The publication of the Commercial Identification Numbers will be carried out in the Official Gazette of the Federation no later than December 1 and June 1 so that they come into effect on January 1 and July 1 of each year.

Except for exceptional cases in which the request is for security reasons, to measure the impact or to follow up on goods that are considered sensitive and the request is made by a government agency, new Commercial Identification Numbers will be created and published outside of the periods mentioned, but respecting in any case the consultation and comment periods.


On an annual basis, during the second evaluation period, an analysis will be carried out of the Commercial Identification Numbers that have been in operation for at least 5 years according to the criteria established in section III of article 3, in order to evaluate their continuity.

The evaluation indicated in article 10 will not be applicable for the created NICOs indicated in article 9.



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