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Ministry of Economy projects NOM on safety devices for vehicles

22 septiembre, 2021
La Secretaría de Economía publicó este miércoles un proyecto de Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM) sobre dispositivos de seguridad para vehículos ligeros nuevos. The Ministry of Economy published this Wednesday a draft of the Official Mexican Standard (NOM) on safety devices for new light vehicles.

The Ministry of Economy published this Wednesday a draft of the Official Mexican Standard (NOM) on safety devices for new light vehicles.

The publication was made in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF).

It is the project of the Official Mexican Standard PROY-NOM-194-SE-2021, Safety devices for new light vehicles-Requirements and specifications. (It will cancel NOM-194-SCFI-2015 published on May 9, 2016).

Among the considerations, the Ministry of Economy argues that road accidents in Mexico involving motor vehicles claim the lives of around 16,000 people each year, being the second cause of death between 5 and 34 years of age.

In addition, around 134,000 people are injured and, of these, 40,000 acquire some type of permanent disability.

According to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the consequences of accidents due to road events also have a profound economic impact that costs Mexicans between 1.8% and 3.5% of GDP, and the costs of those that occur on public roads they fall, directly and indirectly, on multiple actors, for example: the government, insurance companies, road users (pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists, and all those people who are victims of the road accident and their families.

Safety devices

Likewise, according to the study Negative Externalities associated with land transport in Mexico, the following social costs of road accidents are estimated “Luis Chías Becerril (2017) mentioned that the social cost of traffic accidents represented between 1.7% and 3% of GDP in 2017. The National Alliance for Road Safety (AMIS, 2018) reported for the same year an external cost between 3% and 5% of GDP. The ITDP (2012) reports 0.4% of GDP as a social cost.»

To conclude, the recommendations that the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety suggests encourage the universal deployment of better passive and active safety technologies for vehicles, combining the harmonization of relevant global standards, information systems to the consumers and incentives to accelerate the introduction of new technologies.

For the foregoing, the Ministry of Economy issued the Draft Mexican Official Standard NOM-194-SE-2021, Safety devices in new vehicles-Safety specifications.


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