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Portada » Mexico among National Export Award 2021

Mexico among National Export Award 2021

3 febrero, 2022
O México ultrapassa a China nas exportações para os Estados Unidos

The Mexican government presented this Thursday the 2021 National Export Award, a relevant recognition for the sector’s contribution to the Mexican economy.

The Secretary of Economy, Tatiana Clouthier, and Fernando Ruiz Huarte, general director of the Mexican Business Council for Foreign Trade, Investment and Technology (Comce), presented the awards at the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy.

In the category of Small Industrial Exporting Companies, Industrial Companies and Equipment won.

Above all, Empresas y Equipos Industriales manufactures material mixers and asphalt storage tanks. And it exports more than 50% of its production. Its main export is to the United States and it also sells to Ecuador and Uruguay.

For its part, Productos Uvaviña won the National Export Award in the category of Medium Industrial Exporting Companies.

Productos Uvaviña is a producer and marketer of vanilla flavorings, vanilla extract, soy salt and natural cocoa. The company directs its exports to six countries: the United States, Poland, Canada, Spain, Panama and Ukraine.

It has been exporting mainly to the United States for more than 40 years, where it is a brand recognized as the best Hispanic.

National export award

As for the Category of Large Industrial Exporting Companies, Metalúrgica de Cobre won.

Metalúrgica de Cobre produces copper wire rod, copper cathodes, gold, silver, selenium, sulfuric acid and lead sulfate.

Already the export of this company represents 70% of its total sales, its main export product being copper rod, with a 62% share. Its exports are directed to 10 countries.

In the Large Agricultural Exporting Companies category, Molinos del Sudeste won.

More than anything, Molinos del Sudeste is dedicated to milling wheat for the production of wheat semolina and rice flour. Its main export is wheat pasta to the United States and it has also exported to Europe.

The company provides financing to the field for the development of certified seeds, physically advising the farmers.


On the other hand, TAGSEC GROUP won in the category of Service Exporting Companies.

TAGSEC GROUP is a company that exports cybersecurity services and has specialized in industrial processes.

Its main export market is South Korea.

It also exports to the United States, Brazil and South Africa.

It has highly specialized personnel and has developed its own technologies to diagnose and develop techniques for the protection and safety of production processes.

In turn, Almacenadora GWTC won in the category of Service Provider Companies.

In general, GWTC is a logistics hub that provides connectivity for the transfer of merchandise from Mexico to other countries with certification processes that guarantee the good condition of your cargo.

They handle around 16,500 tons of agri-food products, supporting the western region of the country, and manage the logistics processes of export, cargo handling, storage and custody of products.

Finally, in the category of Organisms promoting foreign trade, the winner was Aneberries.

Aneberries is a civil association that brings together the Mexican berry industry and has made it possible to achieve the integration of 30 berry-producing companies, trains in technical cultivation issues, supports companies legally in the T-MEC and in counterclaims to Mexican products and It supports companies from the production process to the marketing of the berries, which has allowed us to increase our presence in new markets in Asia.


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