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Portada » Megacable, Televisa and Total Play win in the Internet market

Megacable, Televisa and Total Play win in the Internet market

30 junio, 2020
América Móvil domina en servicio móvil de acceso a Internet. América Móvil dominates in mobile Internet access service. América Móvil domine le marché des services d'accès à l'Internet mobile.

Megacable, Televisa and Total Play gained market share in the fixed internet access service in Mexico in 2019, according to data from the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT).

Conversely, América Móvil lost market share in this indicator.

From 2018 to 2019, Megacable increased its participation from 15.9 to 16%; while Total Play did it from 6.5 to 8.1% and Televisa from 22.9 to 24.3 percent.

At the end of 2019, 19 million 354,980 accesses of the fixed Internet service were reported nationwide

América Móvil had a fall from 52.1 to 50.1% in its market share of fixed internet access service, comparing the same years.

Internet in Mexico

With respect to Internet activities analyzed in a recent OECD study, the results show that at the national level, those who are 6 years of age or older do the most using social networks with 51%, consuming free audiovisual content with 49 % and carry out training or education activities (courses, tutorials, etc.) with 46 percent.

However, the use of social networks is the activity that has the greatest gap between urban and rural areas, since while in urban areas 57 out of 100 people use social networks, in rural areas only 30 out of 100 do so. .

On the other hand, the least performed activities on the Internet are banking and selling online, since only 10% and 6% of the population carry them out, respectively. It stands out that in rural areas only 2 out of 100 people carry out these activities, while in urban areas 12 out of 100 people carry out banking operations and 8 out of 100 sell online


At the end of February 2020, the IFT issued two instruments that will regulate the quality of the networks and, therefore, have more information on the performance of mobile and fixed services in Mexico, which will facilitate users to have more elements that allow them to compare, in a clear, updated and simple way, the operation of the same and, with it, to choose in a more informed way the one that best suits their needs.

The Plenary approved the Guidelines that set the indexes and quality parameters to which fixed service providers must adhere; as well as the Methodology for the definition and delivery of information related to performance counters established in the Guidelines that establish the indexes and quality parameters to which mobile service providers must adhere.

The Guidelines approved for the fixed service allow defining quality parameters for the fixed telephony and Internet services that the fixed service providers will have to comply with. Likewise, obligations are established related to the care of the service and the delivery of information to the Institute.


The Guidelines contemplate the delivery of quarterly audited reports, with which the IFT will assess compliance with the quality indices of the parameters of the fixed telephone service and customer service, which may be published for the knowledge of end users.

Among the results they will have to present are: the ratio of successful local call attempts, the average local call set-up time, the rate of fault repair in one day and the average fixed service repair time.

In the case of the parameters of the Internet access service, the IFT will carry out the evaluation of the parameters of the average download data transmission rate, the average upload data transmission rate, the average latency, among others. , through a measurement tool present in the end users’ modems.

Through these Guidelines, the obligation to make the coverage maps of the fixed service available in the service centers or Internet portals of the operators is also established; as well as to implement a system of attention to end users via telephone or electronic (online chat or email) to attend to free queries and follow-up of complaints, which must be available 24 hours a day, with the exception of establishments , Everyday of the year.

For the purposes of advertising directed to users, the Guidelines indicate that operators must report the average speed during peak hours and not the maximum speed (“UP”) reached during times with low data traffic. Likewise, the Institute may carry out measurements that reflect the quality of the users’ experience.

Data and deliveries

On the other hand, the Methodology for the definition and delivery of information related to performance counters established in the Guidelines that establish the indexes and quality parameters to which mobile service providers must comply establishes the characteristics, format and requirements that must be met. operators to store performance counters; as well as for the preparation and delivery to the Institute of the quarterly audited reports of quality of the mobile service to which they are obliged.

With this information, the IFT will have a robust database of information regarding the performance of mobile networks nationwide, which will allow end users to benefit from access to this information, since the Institute will be able to generate reports friendly that allow the user to compare, at any time, the performance of different mobile service providers in Mexico.

The Methodology establishes key performance indicators such as accessibility, integrity, availability, and traffic that is carried in the operators’ networks, which were defined based on best practices and recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).


Additionally, since the key performance indicators are constructed differently for each service, access technology and equipment manufacturer, the Methodology also establishes the services (voice, voice over data and data), access technologies (2G, 3G and 4G) and the equipment manufacturers to be considered for each category.

The Methodology also establishes that the external auditors that verify the reports of the operators must be duly accredited in accordance with the ISO / IEC 17021 standard, which indicates the requirements for the bodies that perform the audit and certification of management systems.

With both regulatory instruments, users are empowered by making information about the quality of fixed and mobile Internet and telephone services available to them, and parameters are strengthened so that operators provide a higher quality service aligned to standards international.



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