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Portada » Mango exports from Mexico grow 7.1%

Mango exports from Mexico grow 7.1%

10 agosto, 2020
La balanza comercial agroalimentaria de México perfila sétimo superávit anual en 2021, informó la Secretaría de Agricultura. Mexico's agri-food trade balance outlines the seventh annual surplus in 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture reported.

Mango exports from Mexico registered a growth of 7.1% year-on-year in the first semester of 200, to 201.4 million dollars, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture.

In terms of volume, these external sales were for 238,200 tons, an increase of 2.4 percent.

Mango is an important fruit for the inhabitants of tropical regions. The main producer is India. Trees require a frost-free tropical or subtropical climate. They reach between 10 and 40 m in height and are always green.

In hindsight, Mexico’s mango exports went from $ 128 million in 2009 to $ 422 million in 2019.

The fruit is produced in seasons and is consumed fresh or in various preparations. In recent years, mangoes have participated strongly in the world market for fresh fruits and processed products.

Mango exports

According to the Food and Agriculture Organizations of the United Nations (FAO), it is estimated that exports of mangoes, mangosteens and fresh guavas worldwide increased to 2 million tons in 2019, representing an increase of 23 % compared to the previous year.

With its rise, this group of products ranked as the fastest growing among the main tropical fruits in 2019. The main driver of the strongly positive evolution is an increase of close to 90% in Thailand’s exports, which are estimated to reach the 480,000 tons in 2019.

According to projections, world production of mangoes, mangosteens and guavas will reach 72.8 million tons in 2029, with an increase of 2.9% per year over the next decade.

As the native region of mangoes and mangosteens and as the largest producing region, Asia is expected to have a 71% share of world production in 2029, and a per capita consumption of 12.1 kilograms, compared to 9.8 kilograms in the period. base.

This increase will be mainly due to income growth and related changes in food preferences in the world’s two main consuming countries, India and China.


Both countries are expected to experience increases in per capita consumption of between 2 and 3% per year during the period covered by the projections, reaching, respectively, 17.6 kilograms and 4.3 kilograms in 2029.

Mango production in India is largely destined for informal local markets and is forecast to reach 26.7 million tonnes in 2029, or 36.6% of world production.

In China, whose domestic mango production is comparatively low, with a forecast volume of 5.8 million tonnes in 2029, import growth is forecast of 5.1% per year due to the strong increase in demand for mangosteen, which it will represent a share of 21% of the total volume of world imports in 2029.

Chinese demand for mangosteen is forecast to be met predominantly by increased imports from Thailand, the world’s largest exporter of this fruit and the second-largest player in this product group overall.

Mexico, as the world’s leading supplier of mangoes, is expected to benefit from higher growth in import demand from its main market, the United States of America, and to register 4% annual growth during the period covered by the projections, until reaching a global volume share of 25.7% in 2029.



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