25th of October, 2024

Portada » Katherine Tai and Mary Ng will visit Mexico to celebrate the USMCA

Katherine Tai and Mary Ng will visit Mexico to celebrate the USMCA

1 julio, 2021
La Secretaría de Economía difundió este jueves las reglamentaciones uniformes de cuatro capítulos del Tratado entre México, Estados Unidos y Canadá (T-MEC). The Ministry of Economy released this Thursday the uniform regulations of four chapters of the Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (USMCA).

Katherine Tai and Mary Ng, the trade ministers of the United States and Canada, respectively, will visit Mexico to celebrate the first year of the USMCA.

The meeting will be held on July 7 in Mexico City, together with the Secretary of Economy, Tatiana Clouthier.

Katherine Tai has had several encounters with her counterparts in the current year, this being the first time that the three countries appoint women to public positions.

Trade agreement

Comprised of 34 chapters and 12 parallel letters, the USMCA retains most of the market-opening measures of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), while making notable changes to automotive rules of origin, Dispute resolution provisions, public procurement, investment and the protection of intellectual property rights.

In particular, the USMCA obliges all parties to maintain, implement and refrain from weakening the laws that protect collective bargaining rights, and specifically requires that Mexico adopt new protections for workers that effectively recognize the collective bargaining rights of Workers.

In addition, these specific provisions of Mexico, which appear in Annex 23-A of the agreement, oblige Mexico to adopt laws that protect the right to collective bargaining and allow workers to “organize, form or join the union of their choice”.

Among other things, the annex indicates that this legislation should prohibit employer interference in union enterprises, establish free union elections that use a secret ballot, and require that revisions to collective agreements be approved by the majority of workers. cutlery.

Likewise, the collective bargaining obligations of the USMCA are enforceable under the dispute resolution mechanisms of the agreement itself, including the rapid response labor mechanism that allows labor panels to impose sanctions on individual facilities that do not respect bargaining rights. collective of workers.

Katherine Tai

«The ministers will exchange points of view on the achievements made during the first year of the Treaty, as well as the opportunities to ensure the long-term growth and competitiveness of the region,» the Ministry of Economy said in a statement.


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