23rd of October, 2024

Portada » Ford and Lincoln have the biggest drops in sales in Mexico

Ford and Lincoln have the biggest drops in sales in Mexico

6 agosto, 2020
Vehículos ligeros: producción mundial subió 7%. Light vehicles: world production rose 7%. Véhicules légers : la production mondiale a augmenté de 7 %.

Ford and Lincoln registered the biggest drops in sales of light vehicles in Mexico during July, according to data from Inegi.

Only Ford sold 2,425 units in the Mexican market that month, a decrease of 51.1% year-on-year.

For his part, Lincoln reported a 55.2% annual drop in July, selling only 64 units.

The impact of Covid-19, including changes in consumer behavior, fears of a pandemic and market downturns, as well as restrictions on business and individual activities, has created significant volatility in the global economy and has caused a reduction in economic activity.

At the same time, extraordinary measures have been taken by international, federal, state and local government and public health authorities to contain and combat the Covid-19 outbreak and spread in regions around the world, including travel bans, Quarantines, «stay home,» similar orders and mandates for many people to substantially restrict daily activities and for many companies to reduce or cease normal operations.


Although restrictions have been partially alleviated in many places, some areas that had previously alleviated restrictions have returned to stricter limitations on daily activities.

Ford has stated that the full impact of Covid-19 on its full year’s financial results will depend on future developments, such as the final duration and scope of the outbreak, its impact on customers, dealers and suppliers, and the rate at economic conditions return to pre-Covid-19 levels.

Consequently, Ford added that the ultimate impact on its operations cannot be determined at this time; however, despite the uncertainty of the situation, it expects its results of operations for the full year 2020 to be negatively affected.

From January to July, Ford sold 20,632 light vehicles in Mexico, a decrease of 40.5% year-on-year.

Lincoln sales totaled 546 units in the same span, a 43.1 percent drop.



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