23rd of October, 2024

Portada » Export of California Avocados and Blueberries Allowed to China

Export of California Avocados and Blueberries Allowed to China

22 mayo, 2020
Estados Unidos reactivó, a partir de este viernes, las exportaciones de aguacate desde México, tras seis días de impedir esos envíos. The United States reactivated, as of this Friday, avocado exports from Mexico, after six days of preventing those shipments.

Exports of Hass avocados and blueberries can now be made from California to the United States, as part of «Phase 1» of the trade agreement between the United States and China.

This new access will provide California avocado and blueberry growers with new opportunities to market their products to Chinese consumers for years to come, the White House Business Representation (USTR) said.

In 2019, China imported a record volume of fresh fruits and vegetables that exceeded $ 8.6 billion.

Globally, U.S. avocado exports totaled $ 154 million in 2019, with Canada, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and the United Arab Emirates as their main destinations.

In 2019, China imported avocados worth $ 92 million, of which $ 36 million corresponded to products originating in Peru, $ 30 million from Chile, and $ 25 million from Mexico.

Avocado exports

Global demand for avocados, largely met by supplies from Latin America and the Caribbean, increased at an estimated average annual growth rate of 14% between 2009 and 2018, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization in Mexico (FAO).

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and USTR announced Thursday additional progress in implementing the agriculture-related provisions of the Phase One Economic and Trade Agreement between the United States and China. , which entered into force on February 14, 2020.

The avocado and blueberry deal is based on the actions announced by the USDA and the USTR on February 25, March 10, and March 24.

«These are difficult times for our countries. It is important that each of us continue to work to make our agreement a success, ”said USTR.



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