25th of October, 2024

Portada » Certified Commercial Partner (SCC): 428 companies certified in Mexico

Certified Commercial Partner (SCC): 428 companies certified in Mexico

7 noviembre, 2022
El gobierno de México informó que 428 empresas se certificaron como ha Socio Comercial Certificado (SCC). The Mexican government reported that 428 companies have been certified as Certified Commercial Partners (CCP).

The Mexican government reported that 428 companies have been certified as Certified Commercial Partner (CCP), a figure related to logistics.

During the last lustrum, the Registration in the Integral Scheme for the Certification of Companies in the country was modified.

Since 2018, under the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) modality, the registration of companies involved in the outsourcing of logistics services and general bonded warehouses has been allowed.

In addition, the figure of SCC was strengthened, which contemplates individuals or legal entities involved in the logistics chain as service providers for import (export).

Certified Commercial Partner

The certification period was increased from 1 to 2 years.

As of December 31, 2020, there were 1,123 certified companies: 651 AEO, 428 SCC and 44 Trading and Importing Companies, according to information from the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Other certifications

Through the VAT and IEPS certification, taxpayers who introduce goods under the temporary import regime are granted a tax credit of 100% of the VAT and IEPS generated by the temporary imports they make.

As of December 31, 2020, a total of 3,467 companies had VAT and IEPS certification.

Most of them imported goods to operate under the IMMEX Program (3,425), or under import regimes such as: tax warehouse (21), strategic bonded warehouse (20); and manufacturing, transformation or repair in bonded warehouse.

Likewise, the WTO indicates that the sectors that have benefited from certification include mainly: auto parts, electronics, metal-mechanic, plastic and rubber, textile-garment and the electrical sector. 21

Temporary import operations have generated VAT and IEPS since January 1, 2014.

In recent years, Mexico continued to implement measures to facilitate trade, such as electronic customs clearance (paperless customs), through the filing of an electronic pedimento; the establishment of the conditions to implement customs clearance with consolidated pedimentos; and the update of the VUCEM.

In addition, in 2021, Mexico created the National Trade Facilitation Committee to implement the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement.

Mexico’s total exports grew 25.4% in September to US$52.338 billion, reaching a record high.


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