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Portada » Airports and Auxiliary Services operates 60 fuel stations

Airports and Auxiliary Services operates 60 fuel stations

24 noviembre, 2020
Airports and Auxiliary Services (ASA) operates 60 fuel stations where it stores jet fuel and gas aircraft and offers the supply service in 62 airports in the country, including those with the highest volume of operations nationwide, reported the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT).

Airports and Auxiliary Services (ASA) operates 60 fuel stations where it stores jet fuel and gas aircraft and offers the supply service in 62 airports in the country, including those with the highest volume of operations nationwide, reported the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT).

For its performance, in addition to governing its operation in accordance with national regulations on petroleum products, ASA also follows the standards and best practices of IATA and the JIG.

The information described below is part of the Institutional Program of Airports and Auxiliary Services 2020-2024, which the SCT published this Tuesday in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF).

Through its International Training Center (CIIASA), recognized by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) since 2010 as one of the 21 regional centers of excellence in training with the Trainair Plus teaching methodology in the world and one Of the four that exist in America, ASA has established itself in the training and specialization of aeronautical technical personnel with the potential to expand its activities to other subjects of basic and continuous initial training within the careers of Mexican aeronautical technical personnel.

The airports run by Airports and Auxiliary Services constitute a first-rate infrastructure asset available to the country; the Agency’s total assets as of December 2019 amounted to 17,774.4 million pesos.

Airports and Auxiliary Services

The modernization and growth of ASA’s airport infrastructure has evolved at a slower rate than that observed in the country’s air transport.

By 2019, the lags were significant both in the terminal buildings and in the operational areas (runways, boarding and disembarking platforms and taxiways, as well as in the fuel supply and combat and fire extinguishing equipment).

“There has been a lack of policies and incentives for its development at the rate of the country’s air activity itself. However, there is no doubt that airports with the characteristics of the ASA Network play a relevant role in the development of the regions and connectivity, so it is important for the country to maintain a Network of this type, regardless of its financial results», states the SCT.

In 2019, of the 19 Airports and Auxiliary Services airports, only five had a surplus: Puebla, Chetumal, Ciudad del Carmen, Ciudad Obregón and Puerto Escondido.

The other airports have low demand for scheduled commercial air services, thus maintaining a deficit situation.

Of the 5 airports in society, those with the highest growth are: Tuxtla Gutiérrez and Querétaro; Cuernavaca airport does not have regular commercial aviation operations.


During 2019, the ASA Network served 3.4 million passengers. The Puebla airport reached 762 thousand passengers; two airports reached levels of 400 thousand (Ciudad del Carmen and Puerto Escondido), two exceeded 300 thousand (Ciudad Obregón and Chetumal), and the rest are below 200 thousand passengers.

It is also true that the operation of each of the airports in the Network of Airports and Auxiliary Services constitutes a relevant resource for the regions in which they are found in promoting their integration and development, which can be exploited more actively.

Some of ASA’s airports have mainly non-scheduled commercial and general aviation operations, which handle a small number of passengers in small aircraft.

Within this group, the airports of Ciudad del Carmen, Ciudad Obregón, Puerto Escondido and Puebla stand out. For this reason, and despite the importance of these forms of aviation, it has been difficult to quantify in economic terms the contribution of these airports to the integration and development of the territory.

However, this contribution must be part of the comprehensive evaluation of the performance of the system’s airports.

In 2019, Airports and Auxiliary Services served 31.2% of passengers and 16.8% of non-scheduled commercial aviation and general aviation operations in the country, which highlights its relevance in terms of supporting the development of the regions, isolated areas and connectivity between regions.

Airport infrastructure

Thus, it is important to mention that the country has an element in these airports for the promotion of air services that offer interregional «point-to-point» connections between airports with similar characteristics and between small communities.

In addition, it is possible to make an effective connection from those small and medium-sized regions to large airports, including to international destinations.

Either through the regular commercial aviation services they provide or non-scheduled air services.

Consequently, there is an infrastructure that is in a position to favor the rapid movement of people and goods between different regions and with the rest of the world, facilitating accessibility, territorial integration and increased competitiveness, which contributes to improve the living conditions of the population, particularly those living in remote or isolated areas.

ASA airports have an available runway length of 42,971 m, for an average capacity of 20 operations / hour; 11,530 m length of taxiways; 259,583 m2 of commercial aviation platforms and 42,258 m2 of passenger buildings, for a service capacity of 3,521 passengers / hour.

Together, the airports add up to 4,792 hectares. This infrastructure meets national and international airport technical and security requirements.

However, it should be noted that some airports in the Network operated by ASA are underutilized; while in others, it is necessary to increase its capacity, both in operational areas and in terminal buildings, to meet the current and future demand of air transport.

It should be noted that the number of passengers served by ASA has increased 7.2% on an annual average between 2014 and 2019 and the cargo handled 13.4 percent.

A similar situation presents the aviation fuel service. The demand for supplied fuel registers an average annual growth rate of 5.2% from 2014 to 2019.

Airports and Auxiliary Services supplied an average of 13 million liters of aviation fuel daily in 2019 to serve more than 2,400 operations.

ASA has a storage capacity of 115 million liters of jet fuel and gas aircraft, which requires development and growth to guarantee aviation supply and dispose of reserves in accordance with the provisions issued by the Ministry of Energy. Therefore, it is essential in the coming years to carry out an investment program that guarantees the supply of aviation fuels in accordance with current regulations.


Transport represents an important element in economic and social development, therefore, it is necessary that its evolution obey defined guidelines that allow safe and sustained growth of air activity, as well as increased efficiency and responsible environmental management in the sector.

In this context, the 2013-2038 World Air Navigation Plan, a document issued by ICAO whose purpose is to guide the progress of air transport, considers among its key principles: to improve the operational safety of civil aviation; increase its capacity and efficiency; promote the development of a sound and economically viable civil aviation system; and minimize the harmful effects on the environment of their activities.

On the other hand, the ICAO Global Plan for Aviation Safety follows an approach similar to that of the Global Air Navigation Plan and contains a series of initiatives aimed at harmonized, safe and efficient civil aviation.

Some of these global safety initiatives are related to the application of international standards and industry best practices, regulatory oversight, accident and incident reporting, the use of safety management systems, a sufficient number of qualified personnel and the effective use of technology to increase operational safety, among others.

In line with ICAO’s approaches, on January 22, 2008, the procedures for evaluating the conformity of Annex 14 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation were published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, to which aerodromes must adhere. for your certification.

Public service aerodromes, with national and international air operations, must be certified for the effect that users have the certainty that the operation of said aerodromes is carried out following the safety parameters proposed by ICAO, including the implementation of a Operational Safety Management System (SMS).

Putting the general welfare of the population and environmental care first, compliance with all these provisions for the benefit of operational safety are relevant, considering that most of the existing airport facilities in the ASA Network were built several years ago.


Furthermore, the opening of the aviation fuel market in Mexico, which allows the participation of third parties in the services of marketing, storage and sale of fuels, demands ASA to guarantee maximum levels of safety and quality, in order to allow it to maintain conditions competitive in the market.

Therefore, one of the main commitments of Airports and Auxiliary Services is to continue with the certification process of its airports and fuel storage and supply operations in national and international standards, in all the sites where the Agency operates; as well as promoting the professional development of the staff to promote operational improvement in the handling of aviation fuels.